A Little About Me

I am a Secondary Science Education major at the University of South Alabama. I also have a degree in Zoology from Auburn University.

Teaching Style

I want to teach in a way that appeals to all learning styles so that all my students have a fair chance of learning. However, when it comes to teaching science I have found that the best learn is through experiments. In my science classes we did lots of experiments and activities that really brought the information alive. My students deserve opportunities to make projects in anyway they want, while still meeting certain criteria, so that they can use their different learning styles. I have seen this done in a 8th grade science class and the results were amazing, the students were so creative because they got to choose how they did the project. I want my students to be free to be creative and explore and not bound by restrictions. As my favorite teacher, Ms. Frizzles says, “Take chances, make mistakes and get messy!”